Nevada veteran grateful for receiving new car from repair shopShare on FacebookEmail This LinkShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedIn

Nevada veteran grateful for receiving new car from repair shopShare on FacebookEmail This LinkShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedIn

RENO, Nev. (KOLO/Gray News) - There was no look of surprise, rather Veteran Ron Selby’s first reaction upon getting a free car was thanking the crew at CoAuto in Reno, Nevada for making it happen.

And after talking to him, the news could not have come at a better time.

“You know I am in and out of the hospital a lot because I have nerve damage and stuff,” says Selby. “And financially it is just hard to rise above and do stuff like this. And so, we take our kids to school. We barely got here today,” he says.

The 2006 Toyota RAV had mechanics working for the past several weeks. Former owners decided not to put any more money into it, so the auto repair shop thought it would be great to fix it up and give it to a Veteran.

This is the sixth year in a row CoAuto has rehabilitated a used car and handed the keys over to a Veteran. The shop works with Nation’s Finest who selects a Veteran and determines the family can handle the responsibility.

“He has a stable foundation to support bringing on a vehicle. Registering and insuring it. He also has a need,” says Natalie Stering with Nation’s Finest.

Selby says he and his wife, and three kids barely made it to the shop from Fernley in a vehicle that has trouble getting into gear. So unreliable, he says they’ve had to get rides from friends and others just for daily activities.

It’s stories like that which let the CoAuto crew know their efforts are well worth it.

“The whole experience was just amazing. It truly was,” says Matt Rubb, CoAuto Service Manager. “To just give back to a Veteran in a different way,” he says. Along with the car, Nation’s Finest also donated toys to Ryan, Robert, and Ethan, the Selby children.

The car will be perfect for a family who needed a simple break as they head into the new year.

Copyright 2021 KOLO/Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


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